E-Z Scale
Is a translucent scaled grid sheet that is laid over blueprints or scaled drawings to obtain fast and accurate scaled measurements in two directions at a time. It works great with floor plans as well as elevation blueprints. E-Z Scale's see thru design saves time in obtaining measurements. You see only the scale your working with. Clearly making E-Z Scale better than any scale ruler you have ever used. Ideal for anyone who works with blueprints or scaled drawings.
Set includes storage envelope and (3) 8.5″x 11″ color coded transparent grids for 1/4″, 1/2″, 1″ scaled plans.
Printed on Heavy Duty .014 mil. clear vinyl for durability.
Special Introductory Price $19.99
+ shipping and handling
Transparent Scale Ruler Overlays
Available in Architect and Engineer Scales

You might want to consider buying a few sets because they're unlikely to stick around once your subs and employees catch sight of them.
The Journal of Light Construction
These easy-to-use overlays make measuring and building from scale plans much easier. And they’re inexpensive, too. Score!

Other Scale Sizes Available